Friday, June 15, 2007


Travel Notes
August 15, 1984 - Feast of the Assumption - Day 15


Since the morning was at leisure, Ma and I strolled along Lake Lucerne and managed to find a church, and so heard early morning Mass for Assumption Day.  Surprisingly, it was easy to follow along, even if the words were all in German!  

After the Mass, we had a brisk walk following yesterday's route.  We crossed the modern bridge and visited the Luzernerhof hotel where Ma and Dad stayed in 1979.  Then we went to Hofstetter and picked up more souvenirs (of course).  Then we walked by the lake down to Bucherer : got a necklace, gold and silver plated links, and then met Earl and Bart at the door of Bucherer, waiting for those who wanted to hitch a ride back to the hotel - a fortuitous piece of timing on our part.

Let it be noted that Earl has the skill of a Navy minesweeper getting everyone out of the store; the man can *whistle*! I think he should use it more often in calling the folks, since some of the older women are a stubborn lot about timing while set loose in a store.

Mt. Stanserhorn

Once it was determined that everyone was out of Bucherer, we collected the rest of the group from the hotel and were whisked to the foot of Mt. Stanserhorn.  We arrived at top of the mountain via funicular railway and cable car, just in time for lunch - and lunch was delicious! Mountain air sharpens the appetite, definitely. It must be the brisk, cold air current up the sides of the mountain.  There was a Boy Scout troop from England performing an open-air concert on the terrace. I later learned that they were part of an exchange program, and off to Germany tomorrow.

Ma and I climbed trail up to the peak, or rather, I climbed the trail up to the peak.  Ma stopped at the halfway point, which was the hang-glider takeoff point.  I moved on to the peak, and the view from 6300 feet is something to see, especially on day when the sky was crystal clear and not a speck of cloud anywhere.  Apparently the hang-gliders were inspired, waving and hallo-ing to everyone down below.

Returning with Ma back down to the main level, I went to coffee shop to scout souvenirs, ending up with a little brooch made up of mountain climber gear - pickaxe, rope, and boots, and a sprig of edelweiss over all.  While waiting for cable car, “Grandfather“ Basil gave me a lesson on the Horse Guards and the Foot Guards, explaining the nuances of uniform button coding as a means of identifying each brigade.


Tonight was our first optional dinner of the tour.  We learned the “chicken dance“ on the bus en route to dinner venue, where Joe was roped into blowing the Alpenhorn and did very well.  There was lasagna in very generous servings, and I drank my first glass of white wine tonight.  Even to my inexperienced taste buds, it was very good and went well with all the rich food on the table.  At 2230H the company was asked to step out onto the terrace to catch fireworks display marking opening of the Lucerne International Music Festival.  Fantastic stuff, the clear night making it seem as if you could touch the huge blooms and blossoms against the night sky.

We were a very merry group that boarded the bus when it was time to return to the hotel.   Bart played “chicken dance“ song in the bus again, and Grandfather Basil did the dance in the aisle!  Grandmother Rita made some reproachful noises, but all in good fun.

It's a lucky thing we have a late departure tomorrow!

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