Sunday, September 2, 2007


Travel Notes
September 1, 1984 - Day 32

Paris, France - Hotel Ibis

Early rise and shine for the trip to Dunkirk, where we catch the boat back to Ramsgate. Lots of addresses were collected, including Earl and Bart's mailing addresses. We filled out evaluation forms to rate their performance, both Ma and I had the same answers, even though we filled out the forms separately. I gave the thank-you letters to Earl and Bart along with the evaluation forms, then bounced off to attend to last minute packing details.

Paris - Dunkirk : coffee stop

We finished the rest room stop within the 20 minutes allotted - a first! This despite LONG line leading to the ladies room. I saw Earl read thank-you note on the bus; he sent me a smile and said it was much appreciated! I think certainly he deserves it, and all the encouragement he can get - it's like being a doctor -- on call throughout the tourist season.

An hour into the trip, Mr. Nocon presented Bart's tip and made a speech, then Grandfather Basil added a few bon mots of his own, and then led us in a filksing to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne", the sole lyrics being "Green leaves, there are/Green leaves, there are/Green leaves, there are green leaves...". At the port entrance, Bart kissed my cheeks, European style "for luck, a safe journey, and speedy return". Before long, there was a last-minute, spur of the moment photo session with Bart - "22 days we had, and this only now?!" he exclaimed, acceeded with good grace and enjoyed it as much as we did.

Of course, after all the days of recording the mileage for Grandfather Basil, I forgot to take down the final reading in the general excitement! Augh!

Dunkirk - Ramsgate, England : on the ferry, disembarkation

Au revoir to the continent and hallo to a quiet crossing and an excellent lunch. Francy and I met on deck and were joined by Grandfather, who, while walking us up and down the deck, ran into the rest of the granddaughters and Evelyn. Then back inside for some talk and duty-free shopping. Earl distributed his extra purchases around among us so he could get them past customs. We teased him about having to remember who were holding his bags, or face losing them forever!

Ramsgate - London ; en route

What a noisy ride it was from Ramsgate up to London! When, during a lull, Truding called for "the Chicken Dance" and Diana sighed, "No Bart, no Chicken Dance," Earl produced a cassette from his bag and had our new driver play it. From the moment I heard the first few bars, I *knew* it was Bart's original tape -- and let everyone know it as well! As the music played, lots of hopeful plans were spawned. One of the best was Diana's plan to open a Chinese restaurant in Jeddah (!!) where Grandfather would be the doorman, Joe and Rita would be the manager and cashier, respectively. Jun would be the "Moulin Rouge" dancer!

Earl's tip was presented as we neared London, and Grandfather Basil did the job with flair and panache. He also suggested Eurobout install toilets in their buses, where no one had to pay a single pence, pfennig, schilling, mark, lira, or any other form of currency, which concept was received with much applause from all!

London - The Royal National Hotel

Our last wait for Earl while he checked our rooms and made breakfast arrangements. After all the merriment on the bus, we were quite subdued - then, as we all piled out onto the sidewalk, the champagne from last night, finally went to my head and I bussed Earl's cheek as I got the hotel forms and breakfast cards. This was witnessed by Taiwanese granddaughters and many ooohs and ahhhs were heard, with Diana encouraged to follow my example, and suddenly, everyone was hugging and kissing everyone else!

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